We know our community is facing a whole new set of challenges each and every day while we’re all doing our fair share to remain indoors and protect each other from the recent Coronavirus outbreak. While working remotely seems simple enough here are some recommendations that can help you better adjust to these changes while you settle into a new work routine. Share to help our community continue to #FlattenTheCurve and be sure to comment with your own tips!
Here are some preventative methods and information via the World Health Organization that can help keep our community informed and safe while we all face new challenges during the current Coronavirus outbreak. Help Share these tips with our community so that we can all help #FlattenTheCurve! Source: https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/advice-for-public a> p>
Our priority will always be protecting our communities and amidst the Coronavirus outbreak, we’re still out there ensuring that everyone is safe while our nation experiences new challenges every day.Here are some useful tips for our fellow officers to remember via the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that can help keep all of us protected as well.Be sure to share and together we can all help #FlattenTheCurve!Source: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/community/guidance-law-enfor...
It is with great regret that, for the first time in the event's history, the 39th Annual National Peace officers' Memorial Service in Washington, D.C. has been canceled due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Teams are consulting with the Concerns of Police Survivors (COPS) and other groups to develop a fitting tribute to honor the families of the fallen for the 2019 calendar year and will develop a plan to move forward after this crisis subsides to honor the sacrifices made by our fallen heroes in the wa...
Due to the current state of COVID-19 in our nation, we'll be taking protective measures set forth by the CDC to ensure everyone's safety and postponing our Annual RCDSA Golf Tournament to September 18th. We look forward to another successful tournament come September and thank you all for understanding what must be done to protect everyone's health. For more information on COVID-19 please visit: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.htmla> p>
With the rise of Coronavirus and the Flu currently hitting people of all ages around the nation, we ask that our community not panic, follow these simple steps to help keep you and your loved ones healthy and safe!Prevention is key so be sure to share this to help inform our community and let’s work together to put these best practices to use. If you have any questions or concerns please contact or visit your local hospital for more information. For more preventative measures and info please vis...
You’re cordially invited to our Inaugural Riverside Sheriffs’ Association Golf Tournament at Temecula Creek Inn’s Champion Golf Course on Monday, March 23rd! All proceeds from this event will benefit the Riverside County Deputy Sheriff Relief Foundation which is a 501(C)(3) non-profit charity to assist law enforcement families facing life-changing crises such as sickness, injury, distress, and death. Your donations help with funeral expenses, memorial travel expenses, temporary lodging, and se...
As an appreciation of your generosity and thoughtfulness, we want to take a moment to thank you! Your charitable donation to Hemet Police Officers' Association means that we can continue to positively impact our community and support its local causes. This is what paying it forward is all about. By giving back in 2019 you’ve now shown others that you care about the future of our neighborhood. Your generosity shows that you care about our local youth and police officers. That you strive to work t...
Here at the Hemet Police Officers' Association we feel it is our duty and privilege to help spread the word. The simple truth is this: 1 in 8 women in the United States will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime. This year alone over 250,000 women in our country will be diagnosed with the disease. It is the most common cancer among women worldwide. These facts are not meant to terrify. They are the truth and why must we take it so seriously. But the news is not solely negative.&...
The Hemet Police Officers Association would like to thank YOU for your donation, time and committed support during our “Support The Badge” fundraising campaign. Your generous donations will help us support our critically injured officers and their families. Thank you for your generosity and for standing side-by-side with our law enforcement family. Thank YOU for joining our police family and being part of a community team that connects us all together! Your donation has helped us reach our annua...
Our annual fundraiser is back! We would like to thank you for your support of the men and women of our Police Association who protect us each and every day. A police officer’s job can be stressful and demanding, but we take great pride in helping our fellow citizens whenever we get the chance. It’s not just our job, it’s our honor to serve. Please join in our mission, and support the men and women of law enforcement, Donate Here! Our officers frequently go into harm’s way to protect our communit...
The tragic events that took place on September 11, 2001 changed America forever. On this day, we honor the 343 lives that were lost as they attempted to save the lives of others. We will never forget the bravery and sacrifice of these heroes.
A Maine Police Department knew just what to do for this little girl when no one showed up to her birthday party. To read the full PoliceOne story, click here.
"Maybe they forget [officers] have families," Gloria Vega said. "But they're just like everybody else. The only difference is my dad went out there ... he sacrificed his family, sacrificed us having him, to protect people he doesn't even know.” To read the full story, click here.
What happens when we run out of cops? This is a question worth asking as it pertains to the safety of our communities, families, and friends. Police recruitment and retention may be one of this countries biggest problems. To read more about what will happen when we run out of law enforcement officers, click on the link below. https://www.lawenforcementtoday.com/what-happens-when-we-run-out-of-cops/
This year, from May 13th to May 19th, thousands of police officers, law enforcement professionals, friends, family, and survivors, gather in Washington D.C for National Police Week. In 2017 alone, 129 officers were killed in the line of duty. Since 1791, a total of 21,541 officers have lost their lives in the line of duty.One of the most moving ceremonies is the Annual Candlelight Vigil, where the names of fallen officers will be forever etched into the Memorial Wall. Unlike many memorials in Wa...
The Hemet Police Officers’ Association would like to express our gratitude for your overwhelming generosity during our “Red, White, Blue, and YOU” fundraising campaign. We truly live by our campaign slogan “One Nation, One Community, Many Voices, Under the Banner of Unity.” Together we do make our community a better and safe place to live and work.We are honored to have your continued support, and we pledge to uphold our promises to give back to the community that we love. Thank you to all...
On behalf of our officers and our fellow citizens, Hemet Police Officers’ Association is asking you today for your support. While our nation is facing unprecedented times, we are thankful for our community who has stayed strong and united and we value the support you have shown our officers. Donate Here Today! The Hemet Police Officers’ Association is dedicated to safety and improving our community, but we need your help! Your support will allow us to continue to fund the much-needed...
In case you weren’t aware, we are participating in The Pink Patch Project. The Pink Patch Project is a public awareness campaign to bring attention to breast cancer awareness. The program centers around pink versions of the public safety officer's uniform patch. Officers at each of the participating agencies will wear these pink patches on their regular uniforms for the entire month of October to support Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
So often we commemorate the day or memorialize an overwhelming mass tragedy, but lose sight of the individuals, the moments in time, the instances that change our world. The below letter, written to a 9/11 survivor, to the police officer who saved her that day, could easily go out to any Officer in the field today. In instances each and every day, they give of themselves selflessly, without hesitation, in the face of fear. Alongside members from each of the various emergency services - they reac...
In 2016, the profession of law enforcement, and our nation, lost 135 police officers in the line of duty. This national figure is the highest it has been since 2001, with nearly half of these brave men and women having been killed in ambush-style attacks; with the remaining being a result of various other incidents, including traffic-related accidents and suffering heart attacks on the job.This May marks the 55th year, in which thousands of police officers, law enforcement professionals, friends...
May 2017 marks the 55th year by which our nation will pay tribute to the men and women of our local, state and federal peace officers. National Police Week is an annual event, conceived from “Police Day”, which was created in 1962, when President John F. Kennedy signed a proclamation, designating May 15 as a time in which our nation would pause, gather, and most of all, to remember, those brave men and women who gave their final breath for the sake of justice.In the years and decades to follow, ...

Once a year we reach out to the businesses in our local community asking you for your support. Annually we look at how we can increase our impact in our community, and we continually strive to outdo our previous year. Your support allows us to make a bigger impact in the community we both share. Here is your chance to join the Hemet POA's community outreach mission. Join us by donating today, your contribution goes toward making our community stronger. Donate By Clicking Here Your c...

We proudly protect our communities, children, and families, despite the difficult year the brave men and women of Law Enforcement has had to face. It is not an easy job, but we wear our badge with a humble pride and seek to make the community we share a safer place to live and work. That’s why I am asking for your help. At the time you receive this letter there have been 134 line of duty deaths of Law Enforcement officers across the US, which is up 63% from last year. We Need Your Support...

Law enforcement officers are people like you and me who want to make a difference. Serving the communities that we all share is just a part of what these humble heroes do. Standing up for those who can not stand up for themselves is just in their blood. Despite the dangers, they proudly put on their uniforms and badges every day, for us. National Peace Officer’s Memorial Day has become a day for us to unite as a community and to honor those who have given their lives to protect us, our fam...

Small businesses are a major contributor to the strength of our local economy. Literally, small businesses are the backbone of our local community and we appreciate your investment and hard work to make our community a great place to live and work. According to the 2010 Census, 99.7% of U.S. employer firms are small businesses. Almost half of the nation's private sector workforce is employed by small business, there is nothing small about these facts. That is why we recognize a...

Most of us get up in the morning. go about our days and never think about our local law enforcement officers, unless we hear another negative story on the news. There is a perception that there are a lot of bad cops out there. However the reality is that 99.1% of Law Enforcement officers are NOT accused of any misconduct of any kind. In 2015, 965 civilians were fatally shot by officers, this kind of situation gets the media’s attention, understandably. However, it is imp...

December 1st is #GivingTuesday, a day dedicated to giving back. This is the time of year when we think about all that we are thankful for this holiday season. We are thankful for each and every person out there backing the Hemet PA. Throughout the year we work hard to give back to our local community in many ways. To view the organizations we sponsor and how we give back visit our "Charities We Support" page. If you would like to show your support, please visit the donate sect...

Tony Aguerre is a deputy with the San Francisco Sheriff's Department and the law enforcement liaison for the NorCal chapter of Concerns of Police Survivors (C.O.P.S.), an organization that provides resources to assist in the rebuilding of the lives of surviving families and affected co-workers of law enforcement officers killed in the line of duty.From those picturesque counties that make up the Northern California Coast to the agricultural rich region that is the Central Valley, and all the way...

Sometimes an idea comes along that makes so much sense that everyone feels good about getting behind it. In this case it's the Major Cities Chiefs Association and other groups making a common-sense plea to make the provision of body armor to police officers mandatory. And considering the fact that far more cops are killed in accidents on the roads than by assailants the organizations are also pushing for the mandatory use of seat belts by officers. In fatal shootings, 36% of officers killed from...
The Press Enterprise recently served a Public Records Act Request on the City of Hemet seeking information related to Officer Involved Shootings that have occurred in the City of Hemet over the course of the past 10 years. On Thursday October 9, 2014 the Hemet Police Officer’s Association filed a request for a temporary restraining order as well as permanent injunction preventing the City from releasing the information until a court can make a judicial determination regarding the legality ...

A law enforcement sweep on Tuesday focused on probationers and others released from custody netted 28 arrests in the San Jacinto Valley. Those arrested ranged in age from 17 to 55 years, with 22 of them Hemet residents, three of them from San Jacinto, one of them from Riverside and another from Perris. The hometown of the 17-year-old was not disclosed. Offenses ranged from probation violations to drug and gun possession. All of the arrests were made in the San Jacinto Valley, according to a Heme...

Internet and Website Safety Tips: Though there have been many scares about what can happen to children or teenagers on the internet, adults should be safe as well. There is no limit to the amount of risk adults come in contact with such as sexual predators, criminals who are seeking out your personal information on social networking sites, buying habits, frequently used sites, and many others. Here are some tips to help prevent you from being a target: -Do not share things such as email ad...

You can feel so vulnerable during domestic violence situations. Here are some protection tips for you at home while you are still with your abuser, in your car, and with your cell phone. I am also including tips regarding your finances, belongings, and reputation to help you feel more in control. Abuser's want total control over you. If they can't have you, they may try to destroy you in every way possible, or take your life. These protection tips are to help you get through this difficult seaso...

Simple Crime Prevention: Anyone can be a target of even the simplest of crimes. Here are some tips to keep you safe in your everyday life: -Always be aware of your surroundings and who is around you. Take time to observe what people are wearing and what they look like in case you have to describe it later to someone. -Do not leave any items in your car that may be seen as valuable to someone else. Do not give thieves the opportunity. Put valuables in the trunk or cover them so they are not ...